Some 200 people took part in Ayelet Hashachar’s 2013 Annual Chavrutah Congress in Modiin Illit, also known as Kiryat Sefer.

The purpose of this year’s Congress was to give recognition to the tremendous work done by our many representatives in the city who work towards the incredible dream of allowing freinships and understanding to blossom between religious and irreligious Israelis through weekly phone conversations.


Tables laden with a tasty Melave Malka enhanced the atmosphere of the evening as they listened to words of wisdom and encouragement from Rav Eliezer Turk. He emphasized that the study of Torah can only enhance one’s willingness create bonds of understanding with ‘our brethren in the fields’ (referred to people living in the Kibbutzim).

To this end a special Shmittah Program has been established to enhance the opportunites for study and comerarderie which might lead to a better understanding of why we leave the land of Israel fallow during the Sabbatical (Shmittah) year. HaRav Yechiel Rottstein spoke about the tremendous spiritual gains of those who observe the year. He reminded those present of the countless amazing stories of ‘open miracles’ that had resulted from previous Shmittah observance which can only give us impetus to continue.


Mention was made of the realization of the weekly Chavrutah phonecalls providing much needed spiritual ‘oxygen’ for both phone partners. A good portion of the Congress was spent sharing stories of mutual understanding and friendship that resulted from these calls, friendships that were founded on Jewish values. One of the speakers told of a study program he and his phone partner had taken upon themselves, the study of Mishna ‘Zraim’, the study of the Jewish way of planting. When they finished the entire study course, his partner and family all travelled to Kiriyat Sefer to participate in the ‘siyum’ party, all the way from their hometown of Eilat!


Local stores in Modiin Ilin supported the evening by donating prizes and deserve mention :

Exsos clothing, Zinger houseware, Bashie jewelry, Fuchs hats, Slolar Center and Mettalic signs.