- 16,000 participants
- Study partners learn by phone once a week
- Religious and Secular on either side of the line
- Trained staff making the right connections
- “From all my students...”
16,000 Participants
With 16,000 chavrutot (study pairs) already studying on a one-to-one weekly telephone basis, Chavrutah is constantly expanding. This is one of Ayelet Hashachar’s most exciting and vibrant programs. Taking place behind closed doors, it is the core of true unity, allowing Israelis from both sides of the Jewish fence to focus on our joint history, culture and beliefs as they engage in dialogue and sharing towards our common destiny.
Study Partners learn by phone once a week
It takes just 20 minutes to make the connection. Partners choose the material they wish to learn, ranging from Jewish history, ethics, Halakhah (Jewish Law), philosophy and more. Books and pamphlets are provided on request to help advance the study.
Religious and Secular on either side of the line
The religious-secular divide in Israel sometimes seems to be ever-widening. Israelis on both sides of the fence often feel they have nothing in common with each other. Chavrutah allows for open dialogue, shunting aside preconceived notions and enabling genuine understanding and friendship. With time, the partners find that their relationship is enhanced by further conversation and bi-annual meetings in the form of educational tours, conferences and social gatherings.
Trained staff making the right connections
Chavrutah is a nationwide initiative of thousands of volunteers, creating one of the largest study programs in Israel. Matches are made based on detailed data about the candidates, helping our staff make connections between study partners that are bound to work. They also field questions, provide encouragement, and distribute appropriate study material.
“From all my students I gained knowledge”
Both religious and secular partners are happy to admit they they’ve gained worlds from each other. In countless cases the study relationship has expanded to include family and friends. This is the stuff that true ahavat yisrael (love of Israel) is made of.
Chavrutah To Change the World (English)