An avreich in Kollel Chazon Ish enlisted a professional sofer stam to write a sefer Torah on his behalf which took 7 years to complete. The delay was caused because of the expense – each time he had some money, he would forward it, and this way, little by little, after 7 years, the sefer was finally complete. He was uncertain whether to donate it to a community of avreichim in Ramat Beit Shemesh or to a kibbutz... 

He decided to ask Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky shlita who told him to donate it to a kibbutz. He wanted to be sure it would be read every week for the first year, which is the custom that allows for the entire sefer to be checked for mistakes. Initially, it was hoped that it would be used each week regularly in Gvar Am, but soon it became apparent that this would not always be possible. The avreich was not sure whether she should take it away from the kibbutz in favor of his second choice. At that stage there were only 5 people at the Kibbutz prepared to pray regularly each Shabbat. Confused, the avreich returned to Rav Chaim to ask him how to proceed. Again Rav Chaim was clear – to leave the Sefer Torah with the Kibbutz (where it will eventually, be’ezrat Hashem, have much use!)