Miracle Babies on the Kibbutz!

Unbelievable? At the recent opening of our first-ever synagogue at Kibbutz Gvar'am, one member of  the Kibbutz insisted that from his home should leave the procession accompanying the Torah Scroll to the synagogue. He also sponsored a small festive meal for the occasion, before the parade.

Since then, we have heard the good news that after a long wait, his wife is finally expecting for the very first time!



Even more unbelievable! Last Purim, one of our staff members - in a holiday-atmosphere drunken state - gave a blessing to a local man whose connection to traditional Jewish life was very weak. He blessed him that if he would honor his wife and keep the laws of family purity, he would be blessed with a son within a year. Wonder of wonders, that family will be celebrating the brit milah of their first son a few days from now on Purim itself !